One Magical Dog

Shelly Hewitt to Animal Refuge Center Inc 2 hrs ·
 I adopted my soulmate with fur (Lexi)The Lexus 8-2-2010. Our family was on sent on orders to Fort Knox from TX. I had seen Lexi’s ad before we even left TX, while I was house and school hunting. I figured she’d be gone though and moved on to others. We wanted to get settled in before adopting a dog. When it was all said and done and we were finally ready for a new family pet my husband and I couldn’t agree on a dog. He wanted a little ankle biter and I wanted a horse!

So we compromised on a medium sized dog… Every time I looked online Lexi’s ad was always the 1st one to come up and every time I showed my husband he’d find a reason to say no. I finally just called ARC to meet her and drug my husband along… it was love at first site for me… an instant bond. She’s been the most incredible, gentle spirited, loving, and intelligent creature a family could imagine having and although we “adopted” her, I believe in my heart it was she who saved us.

The Lexus wasn’t just a dog, she was magical. She has helped me rear children, foster dogs, kittens, bunnies, and even squirrels. She soothes anxiety, lifts spirits and mends broken hearts. I couldn’t ever imagine life with out her… Even after my vet told us we were on borrowed time I didn’t believe him. Call it the loyalty of a Lab or the magic of Lexus, but for whatever reason I couldn’t believe she’d ever leave me… until my sweet girl looked into my eyes and told me she was tired.

Last Friday she left my life for good, but not my heart or my soul. I would give anything to have her back. This pain of her absence has been unbearable. I’ve never been so attached to anyone or thing the way I was to Lexus or have felt more alone in grief. Some don’t understand what it is to truly bond. They think “it’s just a dog” “you have 4 others” or “there will be others” and yeah they are correct in that, but my there will never be another her… So I mourn for my girl mostly silent. I know I was truly blessed to have Lexus. I’m so grateful she picked me to be her person and to Penny and ARC for their passionate efforts and belief in rescue otherwise none of this would have been made possible.


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