Remembering Mick

Multiple community pleas begged us to help Mick out of his misery. Tethered to a porch in a trailer park during the -20° deep freeze in Dec-Jan, 2017-18, excruciating for any creature to be in, Mick had only frozen food, a frozen water bowl and a filthy frozen blanket in his plastic house: the trailer was abandoned. We secured him, gave him a warm place to sleep, plenty of water and food, and he thrives.
Mick is very mellow for the pain and agony he has endured. Won’t you be the Forever Home that Mick never dreamed he could have?

Editor’s Note: Not long after we acquired Mick, we learned that he had an inoperable brain tumor, which frustrated us knowing about all the time he had been neglected. Sadly, his Forever Home would only be the Animal Refuge Center.

He was loved and cared for deeply during his stay at ARC, and when Mick’s condition became late stage and he showed signs of deterioration, we had to do the humane thing and have him euthanized. This is the sad side of animal rescue: Despite our best efforts and good intentions, sometimes all we are able to accomplish is to give an animal love, comfort and attention for the very first time in their lives for only a short time before we have to say goodbye.
And then we pick up and move along. The next pet in need is waiting for us to come take them home.

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