Good Mews Monday September 2, 2019

ARC’s Good Mews Monday

Today we have just 1 adoption to report on, but it was a double, as Romper Room kittens Yardley and Maizie were adopted together. Yardley is a beautiful tiny tabby who came to us off the streets of Radcliff. She was a pregnant community cat that the landlord didn’t want around anymore. Yardley is very talkative and very clingy and the thought of a constant furry shadow was very appealing to her new mommy.

Maize, the gorgeous Calico kitten, is one of Sara Lee’s daughters. Sara Lee came to us from Fort Knox a pregnant female who wasn’t able to really nurse her newborn kittens after coming down with mastitis (an inflammation of breast tissue that sometimes involves an infection). Maizie’s awesome personality captured the heart of her new daddy and she loved being held in his arms.

1. Yardley & Maizie

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