Good Mews Monday – December 18, 2017

ARC’s Good Mews Monday

Lots of love for the dogs this week as we saw 3 of them go to pawesome furever homes. What’s pawsably even more exciting however, is that our senior kitty and one of our most popular cats, Misha also found her purrfect home.

1. Misha
2. Elsa
3. Jimmy
4. Auggie

Our 30 dollar special for Black & Black & White kitties is still going on and continues through the end of the year.

Once again we wish to thank the wonderful families, who’ve happily welcomed home their newest family member. Big thanks and love to each and everyone of you who support us and share our posts with friends and family. We can’t do this without you. We will be back real soon with some more good mews.

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