Doing Your Part Towards Helping Abandoned and Neglected Pets

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While we may like to believe that all animals are treated with love and care. Cases of pet mistreatment and abandonment are more common than we think. Today, The Animal Refuge Center explores various steps animal lovers like you can take to help pets in need.


Become a Foster Parent


Whether you find an abandoned animal on the street or adopt one from the shelter, as a foster parent you can improve their lives in various ways:


  • Provide them Training: Home training animals increases their chances of adoption. This can include creating feeding routines, teaching them to play, and going on walks.


  • Nurse them to Health: For any existing injuries provide them with the necessary veterinary care. 


  • Find Them a Home: During your time with them, consistently post pictures online and share their unique story. Regularly screen adoption applications and choose the perfect family for them.


Pitch in at Local Organizations


Here are a few ways you can contribute to animal welfare organizations in your community:


  • Donate What You Can: In addition to monetary donations, consider donating items such as food, leashes, collars, beds, and cleaning supplies. 


  • Become a Volunteer: Whether it be cleaning animal cages, feeding, organizing walks, or helping with administrative tasks, your contributions as a volunteer will make a notable difference.


  • Work as an Ambassador: As an ambassador, you’ll undertake the responsibility of garnering greater support for the organization by organizing online fundraisers, and encouraging friends and family to join as volunteers.


Start a Non-Profit Organization


For individuals looking to contribute in bigger ways than the above-mentioned options, starting a nonprofit organization is the way to go. 


  • Choose a Mission: Your organization can be oriented towards animal rescue, advocacy, pet care, animal rights awareness, etc.


  • Incorporate Your Organization: According to Chron, incorporating will grant you tax-exemption status and make the business eligible for government and private grants for meeting funding needs.


  • Appoint Good Directors: These are individuals who will make all important organizational decisions in a nonprofit. Hence, appoint directors who share the same passion for animals as you.


  • Recruit the Best Help: In addition to good directors, your business may need technological experts to support your site. Luckily, if you’re looking for software developers, there are plenty out there! Just make sure you check ratings in addition to price.

  • Market Your Nonprofit: Get the word out by promoting your cause on your website and social media pages.


Whether it be through an investment of time, effort, or money, each one of us has the power to help animals in need find the care, love, and support they desire.


The Animal Refuge Center is proud to have served our community for 30 years and counting! We welcome and appreciate your donations.

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