DEFEATED – Kentucky Senate Kills SB 143

Mar 24, 2015 — Due to the pressure that we all, (over 52,000 of us) as petitioners, put on Senate President Robert Stivers, he did call the bill up for Concurrence during last night’s legislative session. With our collective voice, and the eyes of the world, trained directly on him he knew he had no other choice.
nSsOZqtWtiqVGjx-800x450-noPadHowever, he took the easy way out by calling for an oral vote rather than a roll-call one to go on the record. With an oral vote, there is no way for us to know who voted for or against the bill. The bill is now officially dead and cannot be brought up again for another entire year. Another whole year of suffering and death for poor innocent dogs at the hands of the heinous people who flock to Kentucky to profit from their pain!
The rest of the report on this important petition can be read and commented on here.

(Added 3/25/15)
We at the Animal Refuge Center, as a 501(c)(3) organization, tend to stay out of mainstream politics, and we are successful, for it is our love of animals that transcends political affiliation. But this matter is one of animal welfare that is core to our very reason for being.
We raised over 52,000 petition signatures to shut down dog fighting in Kentucky, even amended the bill, but yesterday the Republicans shut it down in a private oral vote, so that the names of the voters would not be recorded. We are now bombarding the Senate President of Kentucky with phone calls voicing our disappointment and outrage.
This is going to get picked up by lobbyists and activists, and we, as avowed animal lovers, have to turn into a hive of wasps to make SURE this becomes law. It is a crime itself that issues like this ARE NOT ON THE BALLOT when we go to vote for our representatives.
Now, we see that we have put too much faith in our Conservative leaders, and this disappointment is a blemish on our State, our honor, and shortly our economy, as people out of state call Kentuckians every name in the book for allowing this to happen. We have to show our state representatives that when they do oral votes, the backlash rains on all of them, so it doesn’t matter if you got names of who voted and who didn’t.

Say you want to leave a message for Senate President Robert Stivers, to let him know how you feel about the defeat of SB 143 with Amendment. The direct number for the secretaries taking the messages is 800-372-7181. THEY ARE VERY NICE & HAPPY TO TAKE CALLS. Be NICE to them. Stivers has left his secretaries to guard the door.…/u/10177311…

Also feel free to contact your House and Senate Members to let them know how you feel about the defeat of this important bill:

“…Senate President Robert Stivers did call the bill up for Concurrence during last night’s legislative session. With…

Posted by Animal Refuge Center on Tuesday, March 24, 2015

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