Community Champions: Lee’s Tae Kwon Do Kickathon

Amazing Kids Kick Up Donations For Homeless Pets!

Always Stand By The Weak

Liam, left, and Adam Fortner pose for a photo with Duke at Lee’s Tae Kwon Do Studios Kick-a-thon to support the Animal Refuge Center!

What an exciting day at Lee’s Tae Kwon Do Studio!

Dedicated Kids Kick up Hope
For Homeless Animals

…..When you work or volunteer for rescue organizations, it’s easy to see more bad than good in people.
You spend most of your time healing, and attempting to repair what others have screwed up. In one month, we often see enough abuse and neglect to last a lifetime. I’ve personally entered many puppy mills and hoarder homes, and the despair felt by the rescuers when they see those situations is immense.
For a moment, we feel good helping all those innocent babies, rescuing them from horrific situations–but you soon realize that you’re just only scratching the surface of neglect….
It takes a really big village to get involved in animal rescue. You need dedicated staff, volunteers and most of all, donors in order to be successful.

An 8 year old girl smashes boards for her Kickathon Challenge as Master Lee looks on.
Courtesy: consideration, politeness
Integrity: honesty, sincerity, being of moral principle
Perseverence: persistence. To continue patiently and insistently
Self-Control: control of one’s actions, emotions and desires
Indomitable Spirit: not easily discouraged or defeated, unconquerable
Tae Kwon Do is more than kicking and punching. It is designed as a nonviolent art system of practice, and a way of life. It includes physical and mental discipline with a deep philosophy.
Through the practice of Tae Kwon Do, all students can benefit as follows:
Physically: By developing good coordination and a strong body.
Mentally: By building self confidence, gaining good judgement, and developing a sound mind.
Philosophically: By learning to respect others, help others, be honest, and always stand by the weak. Thus it is a guide for the formation of outstanding character, a modern world sport, and a philosophy.

The Students of Lee’s Tae Kwon Do Academy in Radcliff, KY are a wonderful example of young people who are making a difference in the lives of many animals. On October 20th, 2018, the students at Lee’s Tae Kwon Do Academy held a KickAThon event to benefit the Animal Refuge Center. These young people were sponsored by friends and family to break as many boards as possible with their bare hands.
Some of these students were only 7 or 8 years old, but broke their boards like professionals! It absolutely melted my heart when these youngsters came off the mat with swollen little red hands and when we asked if they were OK, they only responded, “Yes!”
A couple of students broke a few extra boards for our dog Duke who attended the event.
This event was a huge success, raising at least $2,000 for the Animal Refuge Center. I asked Mrs. Lee if we should send a couple of photos to the newspaper acknowledging the students’ efforts, but was told that they are encouraged
to help the community without seeking publicity.

These kids were super, and worked hard to raise money and awareness for homeless pets. We would like to officially thank Master Lee and his students at the Tae Kwon Do Academy.
Their efforts gave me a renewed faith in humanity. There will always be animals in need, and rescuers to help the healing process, but it’s a wonderful feeling to know that these young people are our future pet owners.—Penny Edwards

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