Animal Refuge Center Update 9-15-2020

Greetings, Animal Refuge Center fans! It’s been just a little over six months since our world turned upside down and we had to go on shutdown to protect everything we’ve worked for. For many of us, this has been the strangest experience of a lifetime.

We’ve been busy. There’ve been a couple of times ARC had to go on full quarantine shutdown, which made our work even harder. Long days were made even longer when short-handed, shopping for our homeless pets made even more tricky and difficult, and worst of all, being so caught up in day-to-day survival that we haven’t had time to get out a newsletter this year.

That costs us, dearly, see: Most people don’t realize how important that connection is to the Animal Refuge Center and its mission! The BULK of our financial support–the donations of our supporters, sponsors and volunteers–comes from that newsletter. We really need those financial donations too, to pay the electricity, the water, the phone, to pay employees working over and above, and to buy food, medicine, and making sure our newcomers are spayed and neutered and up to date on shots. But our supporters have done their best to meet the challenge!

Amid all the fears and challenges surrounding the Covid-19 virus pandemic: closed businesses, retailers or food supply chains, 1 in 4 Americans forced to stay home to avoid spreading the Coronavirus, families sheltering in place at home, we somehow managed to keep the shelter operational and leveraged our website and adoption application form to keep our adoptions up. In leveraging our affiliate partners in ways we never had to before, our supporters were able to send us shipments of pet food and supplies direct to our door, safely, through our and affiliate links.
To help us with financial donations–because in spite of the pandemic, homeless pets keep getting dropped on our doorstep!–please use the DONATE button under Support Animal Refuge Center’s Rescue Efforts at right.

Our shelter manager, Penny Edwards, is irreplaceable, and her leadership has helped ARC survive through a crazy time. At the time of this update, she’s plotting our next newsletter, and trying to figure out how to update you on all the adventures we’ve been through in 2020. Because of what we already had in place, we managed to make 2020 a very successful and safe adoption year in spite of every setback and precaution we had to take. That’s a win beyond price.

But the homeless pets just keep right on coming.

Many friends in our community ask if we need pet food and supplies. Yes! The supplies we use regularly: Dog and cat food, dog and cat treats (Canned & Dry), Odo-Ban, Bleach (disinfecting, not scented), chicken feed, pig feed, goat feed, rubbing alcohol.
If you purchase items to deliver to the Animal Refuge Center, remember that we are available to the public by appointment only until further notice for everyone’s safety. Please accept our thanks in advance and leave your gifts inside our entryway. Our delivery address is The Animal Refuge Center, Inc., 185 Basham Trail, Vine Grove KY 40175. Turn left onto the street BEFORE you get to Ranch Road. If you pass Ranch Road, you’ve gone too far.

Got a bunch of tired, bored children at home? We’ve got Crayola! Keep your kids busy creating and know that everything you buy from our affiliate partners gives us a percentage of your purchase to help homeless pets.

A monthly box of fun toys, healthy treats, and other goodies for your cat!
Some of y’all are still not wearing your masks right. :/ Y’all can’t be doing that. Stay safe! <3

And let’s not forget our furbabies! KitNip Box delivers a big prize to your cat or cats and helps homeless pets, too. So do our affiliate programs with Jackson Galaxy, 1-800-PetMeds,–yes, you heard that right!–you don’t have to just collect everything Cesar Millan! Everything you buy if you click the Cesar’s Way link and shop Amazon from here goes to help the Animal Refuge Center, too. We are also a brand-new affiliate! Shop for your pets safely from home–or buy for your elderly friends or family so they don’t have to venture out and shop. Or you can help your elderly learn how to order online for themselves. You can ship purchases anywhere, to your mom, your cousin in Texas, or directly to OUR door if you want to make a donation to ARC but can’t get out. Once again, our delivery address is The Animal Refuge Center, Inc., 185 Basham Trail, Vine Grove KY 40175. Wow! What a great idea!

The way this helps all of us is simply amazing. We’re helping all those retailers on the front lines who are overwhelmed and exhausted from caring for endless lines of shoppers.
We are flattening the curve by preventing the spread of illness and helping our First Responders in our communities.
You can take care of your own pets from the safety of your home, while knowing that you are doing your part to help not only your own friends and family, but the Animal Refuge Center, too! We want to protect our family, friends, supporters and Forever Homes.
If you’re feeling helpless, and want a great way to pitch in, here we go! Stay safe, everyone…we will all pull through this together.

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